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  • Writer's pictureTracy Spiaggia

Eau de What???

I went for a much needed run this morning on a local wooded trail. While I certainly needed to exercise for the physical health benefits, I needed it more to clear the chaos in my mind. This is more often than not my motivation to log some miles. It didn’t take long for the glorious smells of the outdoors to lighten my mood. Various greens and flowers lined the trail almost as if to cheer me on. About a mile in, already acutely aware of the nasal celebration I was enjoying, another runner was approaching me heading in the opposite direction. As she neared, a new scent vied for my nose’s attention, one that was antithetical to God’s symphony of aromas. Once she crossed my path, gone were the lovely smells of nature and in their place was an obnoxious odor that singed my nostrils and made it necessary to forcefully exhale and hold! I didn’t allow myself to draw a new breath for what felt like an hour. Once her perfume was diluted, I could once again fill my lungs with clean, pure air. It was very refreshing! This got me thinking (as most life experiences do.) God spoke about how our lives, as followers of Christ, should leave behind an attractive fragrance for others to appreciate.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

Ephesians 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

What kind of scent does my life leave in its wake? Is it offensive, like this woman’s cheap perfume, causing others to be repelled and seek fresh air or is it intriguing and inviting, luring others to follow and take more of it in? An honest assessment would reveal a combination, for sure. But, as I age and mature in my walk with the LORD, I pray the work He is continuing to do in me will result in followers, not sprinters. How about you? Are you wearing a dollar store brand of body splash or Chanel? If you are unsure, ask yourself some questions. Do I easily lose my temper with people or am I patient and understanding? Do I hold grudges or am I quick to forgive and extend grace? Am I cheap or generous? Am I boastful or humble? Do I strive to gather earthly treasures or store them up in heaven? Take some time to do some introspective exploration. Answer the questions honestly. If you feel you err on the side of body splash, don’t fret! God is eager to see your heart, hear your repentant confessions, and do a redemptive work in you. He will discard your body splash and GIVE YOU a generous bottle of Chanel! Cleaning us up is His specialty! All we have to do is ask. So, how about hopping in the shower, rinsing off that putrid stench, and stepping out smelling like a dozen roses??

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